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London’s most notorious phone snatcher used e-bike to steal 24 devices in an hour

Sonny Stringer used a high-powered bicycle to carry out his crimes before leading police in a 50mph pursuit across the city

London’s most notorious phone snatcher, who used an electric bike to steal 24 mobiles in less than an hour, has been jailed for two years.
Sonny Stringer, 28, targeted victims across the capital, stealing from unsuspecting tourists and commuters.
He used his high powered e-bike to help him get away as he mounted pavements, narrowly avoided pedestrians and reached speeds of 50mph to escape the police.
Stringer sped through busy city streets running red lights as he was pursued by a police patrol vehicle.
He was eventually caught when officers who had tracked his movements using CCTV used an unmarked car to knock him from his bike.
Stringer and an unknown accomplice embarked on their spree on 26 March, stealing 24 phones from people across the capital in less than an hour.
City of London Police, who brought him to justice, described him as the capital’s “most notorious phone snatcher”.
The decision to knock him from his bike – known as a tactical contact – was taken after officers assessed he was about to mount the pavement in the direction of a family pushing a buggy.
Hurtling along Cheapside in the City towards the Bank of England, Stringer overtook a bus before veering towards the pavement in order to evade the police.
But the unmarked car clipped his back wheel, bringing the high-speed pursuit to an end.
Stringer came off his bike and tried to run away but was quickly arrested. As officers approached, he threw away a bag containing 22 mobiles, while another two were found nearby.
Appearing at Isleworth Crown Court, Stringer admitted snatching 24 phones. He received 20 months in prison for theft with an additional four months for dangerous driving.
Chief Supt William Duffy said: “Phone snatching has a significant impact on victims and it is right that Stringer received a custodial sentencing for snatching mobiles on London’s streets.
“The successful capture and prosecution of a prolific phone snatcher shows City of London Police’s focus on detecting and bringing to justice those who steal from people on our streets.”
Mr Duffy added: “This was a team effort from our control team following the criminals on CCTV and communicating with officers on the ground, to response officers making risk-critical decisions to protect the public and effect an arrest. Not forgetting our investigators tracking down victims from across London, returning valuable mobile phones and ensuring a guilty verdict.
“We’d urge people to be aware of their surroundings when using their mobile phones on the street. Limit the opportunities for criminals to target you by reducing the number of times you have your phones out while in the street.”
